Delivery Driver – Windsor, CO

  • Part Time
  • Windsor, CO
  • Posted 2 months ago

Postmates (newly Uber) is a delivery app that customers can place a food orders.


Driving with Postmates is an easy way to make extra money in your spare time. Their fleet receives requests through the app and delivers anything from anywhere, 24/7. Being a Postmates delivery driver is simple and perfect for those looking for seasonal work, temporary work, part-time work, or for those looking for a flexible full-time opportunity in Windsor, CO. You can also earn more by delivering food or other items from local merchants.

Postmates acquired by Uber during the summer 2021.

Job description / Postmates / Windsor, CO

Postmates Driver will deliver food and other items from local merchants to hungry customers in their neighborhoods in Windsor, CO. As a Postmates Driver, you will be an independent contractor who sets your own schedule and delivers items in your own car. The driver provides their own vehicle and gas to complete deliveries and decides when and where they want to work. The Delivery Person is the face of Postmates. In addition, they are the first impression that customers have with Posmates. The Delivery Person must have a passion for customer service, customer happiness, and for delivering great food to our customers in Windsor, CO.

postmates delivery driver

Responsibilities / Postmates / Windsor, CO

How to become Postmates Delivery Driver in Windsor, CO, and what are your responsibilities?

  • Pick up orders from Postmates partner merchants and deliver them to customers in a timely manner.
  • Deliver high-quality customer care
  • Follow Postmates company policies and best practices when delivering orders.
  • Ensure that orders are accurate and meet the specifications of the customer
  • Communicate any problems or concerns with orders to dispatch

Requirements / Postmates / Windsor, CO

  • Must be at least 18 years old;
  • Accessing to a vehicle;
  • Valid driver’s license and proof of insurance;
  • At least one year of driving experience in the U.S.;
  • Have smartphone or tablet with data plan (we offer discounts);
  • Be willing to submit to a background check;
  • Download the Postmates app and complete our online driver training program.

Wages & Salary / Postmates / Windsor, CO

The Postmates driver will have the opportunity to earn up to $20/hour or more, depending on your location in Windsor, CO and delivery demands. Postmates shares over $1000 bonuses exclusive to drivers. These are called referral bonuses. Moreover, there are 4 types of income in Postmates. Guarantee wage, incentives, customer tips, and referral bonuses. You can take 100% of the tips.

Guarantee Pay + Incentives + Tips ( + Referral bonuses)

Working Hours / Postmates Delivery Driver / Windsor, CO 

Firstly, it is totally up to you! Secondly, you are your own boss and can work in any hours that fit your calendar. However, we have several tips for you to maximize your income in Windsor, CO. Finally, try to be online during lunches, dinners, and weekends.

  • 11:00am to 2:00pm.
  • 5:00pm to 9:00pm (prime time)
  • Estimated Income
    • ..-$20 per hour
  • Gender
    • Female
    • Male
  • Essentials
    • Vehicle registration
    • Car
    • Car Insurance
    • Liability insurance
    • Social Security number (U.S.)
    • Workpermit in the U.S.
    • Clean criminal record
    • Smartphone
    • Bank account
    • Driver's license
    • VIN
    • ID Card
    • Valid phone number
  • Industry
    • Delivery
  • Experience
    • -
  • Qualification
    • -